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For your convenience, you can apply for the registration of your trademark or trade name and related transactions. To begin filing, click here.
Before applying for registration, you should perform a search to see if there is a similar trademark or trade name filed or registered through the SEARCH section of the website.
The Puerto Rico Trademark and Commercial Names Registry was created by Act No. 66 of July 28, 1923. This agency division administers the registration processes in accordance with Act No. 169-2009, as amended, better known as the Trademark Act of the Government of Puerto Rico, and Act No. 23-1992, as amended, better known as the Puerto Rico Trade Names Act.
Below we provide you with information related to the registration of trademarks and commercial names that we hope will be useful to you.
Any sign or means that serves to distinguish in the marketplace the goods or services of one person as well as the goods or services of another person. The term includes any trademark, service mark, certification mark and collective mark.
Some examples of signs that could be used as trademarks are drawings, emblems, words, names, letters, numbers, phrases, sounds, colors, and shapes, among others.
These can be used individually or combined to constitute a trademark.
A trade name serves to identify and distinguish one business activity from another.
Yes, brands can be classified into four groups:
Yes, Act No. 169-2009 allows applying for the registration of a trademark that has not been used in commerce in Puerto Rico. In these cases, the owner will have three (3) years from the filing date to prove that he/she began to use the trademark in commerce in Puerto Rico by filing online the declaration of first use. On the other hand, the Act requires, as a condition to maintain the referred registration active, that the registrant files the declaration of continuous use and, subsequently, the renewal of the trademark registration.
Article 18 of the Law indicates that every registrant must file the declaration of continuous use as an indispensable requirement to maintain the validity of their trademark registration. This must be filed between the 5th and 6th year from the filing date of the application for registration. Article 19 of the Law establishes that every trademark registration shall remain in force for ten (10) years from the filing date of the application for registration. They may renew the trademark registration between the 9th and 10th year from the expiration date of the ten (10) year period for which it was initially issued or renewed.
On the other hand, Act No. 75-1992 allows for the registration of a trade name that has not been used in commerce in Puerto Rico. In such cases, the owner shall have five (5) years following the registration date to prove its use in commerce through an affidavit of use. The registration of a trade name shall remain in effect for ten (10) years and may be renewed within the year before the date on which the term for which it was originally issued or renewed expires.
A trademark or trade name may be registered by its owner or representative according to Regulation No. 8075 or Regulation No. 4873, respectively. The owner may be an individual, a corporation, or an association. Registering a trademark or trade name can be requested through the Online Registration System. To apply, click here.