

The authentication of public documents through Apostille is used for a national document to be recognized in a foreign country. This as provided for in the Hague Convention of October 5, 1961, signed in The Hague, Netherlands. It entered into force on January 24, 1965.

The Apostille is only valid among the signatory countries of this treaty.There are currently 103 members of the Hague Convention, these are:

Alemania Ecuador Liechtenstein República Checa
Andorra El Salvador Lituania República Dom.
Antigua y Barbuda Eslovenia Luxemburgo República Eslovaca
Argentina España Macao Rumania
Armenia EE.UU. Macedonia Rusia, Federación de Samoa
Australia Estonia Malawi San Cristóbal y Nieves
Austria Fidji Malta San Marino
Axerbaiyán Finlandia Islas Marshall San Vicente y Las Granadinas
Bahamas Francia Isla Mauricio Santa Lucía
Barbados Georgia México Santo Tomé y Principe
Belarus Granada Moldavia Serbia
Bélgica Grecia Mónaco Islas Seychelles
Belice Honduras Mongolia Sudáfrica
Bosnia-Herzegovina Hong Kong Montenegro Suecia
Botswana Hungría Namibia Suiza
Brunei-Darusalan India Nicaragua Suriname
Bulgaria Irlanda Isla Niue Swazilandia
Cabo Verde Islandia Noruega Tonga
Chipre Israel Nueva Zelanda Trinidad y Tobago
Colombia Italia Omán Turquía
Cook, Islas Japón Países Bajos Ucrania
Corea Kazajstán Panamá Uruguay
Costa Rica Kirguistán Perú Uzbekistán
Croacia Lesotho Polonia Vanuatú
Dinamarca Letonia Portugal Venezuela
Dominica Liberia Reino Unido

The apostille only certifies that the signature or stamp shown on the document was issued by a public official in the exercise of his duties, but does not certify the validity of its content.

The certifications and regulations division under the Assistant Secretary for Services of the Department of State is in charge of authenticating the signatures of public officials in documents that will be used outside of Puerto Rico and this service is also offered in some regional offices of the Department.

Namely, some of the documents to certify are:

  • Criminal Record Certificate, Death, Marriage and Birth
  • Diplomas
  • Scriptures
  • Powers
  • Credits Transcript
  • Transfer of corpses, birds, animals and medicines

How are documents that will be used outside of Puerto Rico certified?

You must go to the Division of Certifications and Regulations in the 1st. Floor of the Royal Administration Building with the following:

  • Document to be certified, in original.
  • Acquire Internal Revenue Seal of $3.00 for each document to be certified.

Procedure by postal mail

You must send the Certifications Division by postal mail with the following:

  • Document to be certified, in original.
  • Acquire Stamp through Digital Collection by calling 787.291.9292 or 787.354.9469.
  • Pre-addressed envelope with the stamps required for the return of the apostilled document.
  • Send to the following address:

Department of State
Certification and Filing of Regulations Division
PO Box 9023271
San Juan, Puerto Rico 00902-3271