Transparency Law (Law 141-2019)

Transparency and Expedited Procedure for Access to Public Information (Law 141-2019)

    The Department of State, in compliance with Act No. 141-2019, "Transparency and Expedited Procedure for Access to Public Information Act," and with the public policy of the Government of Puerto Rico, facilitates access to and disclosure of public information. This is in response to the fact that access to public information is a constitutional pillar and a fundamental human right. The information and documentation produced by the government is presumed to be public and equally accessible to all persons; however, the disclosure of information shall be subject to the applicable rules and exceptions.

    Law 141 establishes a uniform procedure to obtain public information generated or kept by government entities. To this end, the statute empowers each agency to designate at least three (3) public servants who shall serve as Information Officers and shall be responsible for receiving requests for information, processing the same and facilitating access to the documents within the established term.

    The Information Officers of the Department of State shall submit monthly reports on the number of requests received, type of information requested and its status. Those interested in requesting information through Law No. 141-2019, known as the Law of Transparency and Expedited Procedure for Access to Public Information (Transparency Law), may write to the Information Officers: leydetransparecencia@estado.pr.gov

    Our Information Officers are the following:

    Lcda. Elizabeth Ocasio Caraballo
    Director, Office of Legal Affairs

    Mr. Jaime A. Cuevas Padilla
    Director, Office of Cyber Technology

    Mr. Luis A. Soto Delgado
    Specialist in Cyber Technology, Office of Cyber Technology

    Act No. 141-2019

    Report of Applications Submitted